| 1. AMERICAN TRAVELER - A TRAVELERS GUIDE TO TRACKING DINOSAURS IN THE WESTERN US The Rocky Mountains and surrounding areas contain some of the biggest and best preserved dinosaur remains on earth. This book de... Read more! |
| 2. AMERICAN TRAVELER - CALIFORNIA MISSIONS Long before the gold rush, missionaries traveled to the west coast, built houses of worship and spread Christianity. Much of the... Read more! |
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| 3. AMERICAN TRAVELER - GHOST TOWNS OF COLORADO As you travel the state, read about the life and times of people from years past. An excellent map in the centerfold, and drivin... Read more! |
| 4. ARIZONA ADVENTURE Daring deeds and exploits of Wyatt Earp, Buckey O'Neill, the Rough Riders, Arizona Rangers and the notorious Tom Horn. Includes ... Read more! |
| 5. ARIZONA TRAILS AND TALES True Adventures in Arizona's Old West! Exciting stories of Arizona's history and historical figures. Travel The Black Canyon Sta... Read more! |
| 6. ARIZONA TRIVIA (2021 EDITION AVAILABLE FALL OF 2021) Marshall Trimble, Arizona's master storyteller and humorist challenges trivia lovers with details and facts about Arizona. Incl... Read more! |
| 7. ARIZONIANA Stories of Arizona's history in this fascinating book include: The Legend of Red Ghost, The Fabulous Lost Adams Diggings, Con Me... Read more! |
| 8. ARROWS, BULLETS AND SADDLE SORES A Collection of True Tales of Arizona's Old West Fascinating and absolutely true stories about events, places and people from Ar... Read more! |
| 9. BRYCE CANYON & ZION NATIONAL PARKS - DANGER IN THE NARROWS Join the Parkers, an intrepid family, as they embark on their adventure to Bryce and Zion national parks. Each book in the serie... Read more! |
| 10. EASY FIELD GUIDE TO INDIAN ART & LEGENDS OF THE SOUTHWEST Native Americans of the past told stories using characters such as Kokopelli, Spider Grandmother, and the Warrior Twins. They al... Read more! |
| 11. EASY FIELD GUIDE TO ROCK ART SYMBOLS OF THE SOUTHWEST Possible interpretations for the messages of southwestern native people are offered in this illustrated guide.... Read more! |
| 12. EASY FIELD GUIDE TO SOUTHWESTERN PETROGLYPHS Native rock carvings are illustrated and discussed, along with preservation, in this handy guide.... Read more! |
| 13. EASY FIELD GUIDE TO TRIASSIC, JURASSIC & CRETACEOUS REPTILES & DINOSAURS OF ARIZONA Guide to Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous reptiles and dinosaurs that roamed Arizona, with emphasis on the Mesozoic Era. Map of... Read more! |
| 14. EXPERIENCE JEROME A history of Jerome and the Verde Valley with its mines and colorful characters.... Read more! |
| 15. GHOST TOWNS AND HISTORICAL HAUNTS Visit the golden past of Arizona's cities. See adobe ruins, old mines, cemeteries, cabins and castles! Experience Arizona's hist... Read more! |
| 16. IN OLD ARIZONA Southwestern tales more thrilling than fiction. History comes to life with humor, pathos and irony. Pioneer lives, bungled burgl... Read more! |
| 17. MIMBRES MYTHOLOGY; TALES FROM THE PAINTED CLAY 1000 years ago, the Mimbres painted bowls with images from their lives and from their stories. This book includes interpretation... Read more! |
| 18. OLD WEST ADVENTURES IN ARIZONA In the Arizona Territory men played for keeps! Stagecoach travel was often interrupted by murder from ambush and raiding was a w... Read more! |
| 19. PEOPLE OF THE MOONSHELL People of the Moonshell is an award-winning history of the Platte River, the primary way west during the frontier era. Peterson ... Read more! |
| 20. PEOPLE OF THE TROUBLED WATER (HARDCOVER) People of the Troubled Water focuses on stories of people involved in early years of Missouri River history. It describes the ad... Read more! |
| 21. PEOPLE OF THE TROUBLED WATER (PAPERBACK) People of the Troubled Water focuses on stories of people involved in early years of Missouri River history. It describes the ad... Read more! |
| 22. TALES OF ARIZONA TERRITORY Find out what life was like in old Arizona, one of the last territories to be tamed and settled.... Read more! |
| 23. TREASURES OF TIME; A GUIDE TO PREHISTORIC CERAMICS OF THE SOUTHWEST A user-friendly guide to the identification and classification of the many types of pottery created by prehistoric peoples of th... Read more! |
| 24. VERDE VALLEY LORE "...rich pieces of history." Marshall Trimble, Arizona State Historian... Read more! |
| 25. WYATT EARP: THE SHOWDOWN IN TOMBSTONE In his new series: 'Wild West Heroes and Rogues,' Marshall Trimble recounts the mystique surrounding the lives of the famous an... Read more! |