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Cowboy Cartoon Cookbook
Author: Jim Willoughby and Sue Willoughby
ISBN: 978-0-914846-46-8
Pub Date: 6/1/1990
Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Binding: Comb
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ABOUT THE BOOK | From the Publisher More than 50,000 sold! Zesty Western recipes, cowboy cartoons and anecdotes. Cowboy artist Jim Willoughby and his wife, Sue, combined their many talents to produce these tantalizing selections. |
SAMPLE RECIPE Wild West Potato Casserole | Friends and fellow archaeology enthusiasts Ken and Helena Howell laid this one on us. Out looking for arrowheads on an acquaintance's cattle spread one day, it got towards eating time. The Howells suggested we meet back at their adobe hacienda and they would surprise us with a dish they picked up some time back while on an archaeological excavation in Arizona's White Mountain region. It would be an understatement to say we liked it. It was rampageous. The Howells were kind enough to permit its inclusion in this compendium of Southwest prizewinners. It will button your suspenders.
2 large POTATOES, skins on
4 oz. diced GREEN CHILES
1 cup shredded CHEDDAR CHEESE
1 tsp. dried PARSLEY FLAKES
2 Tbsp. SALSA
2 tsp. Italian bread CRUMBS
PAPRIKA for garnish
Boil potatoes with skins on for 30 to 45 minutes until soft when pierced with a fork. Cool slightly and peel. Slice potatoes and set aside. Mix sour cream, green chiles, cheese, parsley and salsa in bowl. Line a greased casserole dish with sliced potatoes on bottom layer, add layer of cheese mixture. Continue adding layers of potatoes and cheese. When completed, sprinkle with bread crumbs. Sprinkle with paprika. Bake at 325 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes until slightly brown on top.
Serves two to four. |
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